Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the dark and cold side 
of the moon 


Anonymous said...

so true!

illustration poetry said...


it's been a long time.
how are you?

Anonymous said...

so far, unseen. indeed. may life and light win. again.

daily athens

Carlos Gesmundo said...

Hi Sandy.

We're told it was a seaquake that caused the giant waves that hit Japan. Is the moon capable of causing such destruction, too?

Best wishes.

Carlos Gesmundo said...

Hi Mita.

Appreciate your visit. I should visit, too. Just been busy with other stuff.

Best regards.

Carlos Gesmundo said...

Yes, Robert. Life and light will win!

Have a great weekend.

Devika Jyothi said...

i too was looking at the supermoon in those days -- they day it's not about the moon, but a multiplicity of factors -- great haiku, and good additions, Carlos :)


Carlos Gesmundo said...

Hi Devika -- A multiplicity of factors ... you're right. And they go back many years ... to the days we started to consider ourselves separate from Nature and started to defile her.

Best wishes.

Devika Jyothi said...

Yeah, in a way we claim so, and sometimes 'try' to become responsible for our actions...but I'm not sure if it is man behind such happenings -- because they existed much much before the origin of man on Earth...even the formation and evolution of Earth has a story of the universe in a contant flux and collisions,

And in case of natural calamities -- it is not the ones who exploit nature that's affected -- it is often the poor who turn to her for sustenance -- i often wonder the why of it -- and hold God responsible or perhaps it is Earth/Nature's own way of gaining the overall balance --

well a much complex subject, Carlos - the discussion could go on and on..and of no much use; a silent thought/prayer for nature and the affected would be better :)
