Sunday, January 29, 2012

the bags of leaves are still 
on the curb 

First published in "Haiku in English," Mainichi Daily News (Japan), January 26, 2012.


Anonymous said...

Haven't heard from you in a while.
Love reading your poems.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carlos,

nice to read you again.
Congratulation to be published at Mainichi!

Best wishes

Carlos Gesmundo said...

Hi Sandy!

Appreciate your visit and kind words.

I've been a bit busy on other stuff. I missed your haiga.

Warm regards, my friend.

Carlos Gesmundo said...

Hi Rudi!

Thanks for your kind visit. I'm glad to start posting again. It had just been crazy in my day job lately, I had not had a lot of time to "smell the flowers", so to speak.

All the best, good friend.


Yousei Hime said...

I finally figured out this Google reader thing. ;) I plan to read and comment more often. I like this one very much.