Thursday, April 9, 2009

Haiku 040909

a budless elm
among budding oaks --
spring funeral


Recently, we read the following: "Nations Fail to Offer CO2 Targets at UN Climate Talks"

“The world’s wealthiest nations failed to offer more ambitious carbon-dioxide cuts, stalling United Nations climate talks as developing countries called for funding help and technology to combat global warming…. ‘The industrialized countries have not yet shown the necessary leadership,’ a Danish [delegate] said. ‘Not leadership when it comes to reduction commitments. Not leadership when it comes to finance’….”


And we thought:

.... One expects that, by now, most understand that the survival of each nation, developed or developing, depends on collective and coordinated action. In the matter of global warming, politics and self interest serve no one ultimately. We have only one planet. It is the one we all inhabit. This game of chicken is silly ....

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